With its many uses, this natural aesthetic procedure is used to reverse the signs of aging, like restore the contours of your face, under eye area, or add volume to the lips.
In a three step process where fat is removed, cleansed and then purified- autologous fat grafting is a revolutionary technique in which small amounts of fat are excised from a donor area and then transferred to a recipient site. The fat is transferred from the abdomen or thigh.
Fat grafts are most commonly performed on areas of the face and to repair previous procedures which did not yield desired results. Transfers are most successful when small amounts of fat are injected at a time, and when the procedure is repeated in 2-3 month increments. The number of treatments varies from patient to patient.
The procedure is most commonly performed in a minor procedure room in our fully accredited, surgical facility. With aesthetic surgery, results can vary greatly from patient to patient, it is important for those considering this procedure to be familiar with the possible outcomes.