Winter Weather Skin Conditions You Should Know

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Winter always brings its challenges here in Illinois. The cold and the dry air can affect our skin drastically, leaving it definitely worse for the wear. Here at Core Dermatology, we offer exceptional dermatologists who can help your skin through the winter months. We offer a wide array of skin care treatments and procedures that ensure the overall health of your skin and that it will glow. Contact one of our Illinois skin clinics today!

Dry Skin

Your skin needs moisture in order to remain healthy. However, the cold air during the winter months can work to pull the moisture out of your skin. One of the best and easiest things you can do to combat dry skin is to use moisturizers and lotions where the primary ingredient is water; these can work to replenish your skin cells and rehydrate them. Our proprietary Skin Dimensions line of skin care products can help. Check out our moisturizers online today!

Eczema Flare-Ups

Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition that can cause extremely dry and itchy skin, rashes, scaly skin, blisters, skin infections, and more. It can be extremely hard to get rid of flare-ups, too. During the cold winter months, eczema is most often seen as dry, itchy, and irritated skin patches on the face, hands, knees, and elbows. Moisturizers are a great way to help fight eczema, as well as prescription skin care topicals. Schedule an appointment with one of our dermatologists to see how we can help today.


If you notice your skin is itching a lot in the winter, you are not alone. Itching skin is actually quite common during these cold winter months. It is caused by our tendency to stay indoors in an artificially heated environment. This heat dries out our skin and can make it flaky, irritated, and itchy. The best thing to do is to not itch it, which can make it worse. Instead, check out our line of top-rated moisturizers and other skin care products online to help heal your skin today.


Acne is a skin condition that tens of millions of Americans face every year. Acne is caused by several items, including an overproduction of skin oils, clogged pores, dead skin cells, and bacteria that causes inflammation. Adult acne is acne that occurs in those over the age of 25 and is caused by the same factors. Treatments vary for acne because everyone’s skin is slightly different. Some treatments include great cleansers and moisturizers, antibiotic ointments, facials, dermabrasions, and much more. If your acne has flared up this winter season, you don’t have to wait till spring to get it cleared up. Schedule your appointment with one of our skin specialists today.

Chapped Lips

Almost everyone experiences chapped lips at some point during the winter season. Your lips have a very thin layer of skin over them, so it doesn’t take much to rid them of their moisture content. The winter months can be terrible for your lips, especially if you like cold-weather sports and are outside a considerable amount of time. From cracked lips to extremely dry lips, your lips can take a pummeling. Our recommendations for dry lips are to use a top-rated lip balm as frequently as necessary to help form a protective coating to your lips and add back in much-needed moisture. Check out our lip care products online today.


Rosacea is a skin condition that can cause redness and small red bumps. This most often appears on the face, and the nature of this skin condition causes it to come and go. However, the cold winter air can exacerbate it. Some of the best treatments for Rosacea are antibiotics, topical creams, and retinol-based products. Speak to one of our skin specialists for your options today!


Winter is hard to deal with for many people. It’s cold, it’s windy, and it can be snowy. Plus, it can wreak havoc on your skin. At Core Dermatology, we work diligently to help our clients find the best solutions to their skin problems. We have decades of experience, and we work with every client to come up with a custom solution for them. Our talented team offers a wealth of services in order to meet your needs. From acne surgery to facials, dermaplaning, and more, we’ve got your needs covered. Schedule your consultation today!